Khanna on Poor Biden Poll Numbers on Economy: ‘Prices Are Still Too High’ and Gas and Food Prices ‘Are High’

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Situation Room,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) reacted to President Joe Biden receiving poor marks in polls for his handling of the economy by stating that President Biden has had some accomplishments, and made some progress in his attempt to “reverse the decline of the working class for the last 40 years.” But “prices are still too high, gas prices are high, food prices are high. People have had a tough time.”

Host Jim Acosta asked, “Congressman, the President touted his economic achievements today during a stop in Philadelphia. And he says the U.S. has the strongest economy in the world. But in this new Wall Street Journal poll that came out just in recent days, 59% of voters disapprove of his handling of the economy. What’s going on here? What do you make of this disconnect between the White House messaging and how Americans feel? Because there are a lot of metrics out there that say that the economy is doing fine. But Americans aren’t saying that when they’re asked by pollsters. What’s going on?”

Khanna responded, “Well, the President is right to tout two specific accomplishments: He did save 300 pensions. I’m here in New Hampshire on Labor Day, and the president of [the] Teamsters acknowledged that President Biden helped save many of those pensions. Second, President Biden has brought back manufacturing jobs, semiconductor manufacturing jobs, and many battery plants. Those are just facts. But here is the thing, Jim, look, prices are still too high, gas prices are high, food prices are high. People have had a tough time. So, we have to recognize that there’s a lot more work to do. President Biden is trying to reverse the decline of the working class for the last 40 years. He’s making progress, but there’s more work to be done.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart September 4th 2023