Kid Rock: Bud Light Made a Mistake — We ‘Don’t Need to Kill Them’

Musician and business owner Kid Rock said Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Balance” that he ended his boycott of Bud Light because he believed they understood their mistake and he didn’t want to “kill them.”

On her SiriusXM show, Megyn Kelly said, “This is like the only successful boycott that Republicans have ever engaged in. It’s the only time they’ve stuck together and actually been heard. And because Kid Rock and Dana White want to give it up, we’re supposed to all surrender our principles now. And I like Kid Rock. I actually do. I like the guy, but he’s wrong. He can do what he wants. If he wants to drink a Bud Light, he can. He does not speak for the rest of us! Many of us are still deeply offended by that brand’s partnership with the person who makes his living mocking women, Dylan Mulvaney. Not to mention what they said about their core audience and customer base, which is that they’ve ‘gotten too fratty and they want to get away from them.’ Who at Bud Light thinks that we do what Kid Rock tells us to?”

When asked for his response, Rock said, “Well, first of all, first off, I love Megyn. We’ve been friends for a long time, but she’s got this one wrong. Saying me and Dana don’t speak for conservatives, neither one of us ever said we did. You know, I explained myself before on another program about Bud Light. I’m pretty sure they got the message. Do I agree with what they did? F no! And we held their head under water for quite some time and we hurt them. But, you know, I’m not someone to keep punching somebody when they’re down, when there’s a whole lot more companies deserving of this treatment. And, you know, and Dana has told me specifically as a very good friend of mine about, you know, the things they’ve done through the years with Folds of Honor. So has Lieutenant Colonel Dan Rooney, for that matter, and countless other things. And I’m like, I get it. They made a mistake. All right. I don’t need to kill them.”

He continued, “But Megyn ought to be careful when she’s throwing stones in glass houses, because I told her way back in the day, you both were on a familiar network. She could have been king of Fox News. But they dangled that shiny carrot in front of her, and for whatever reason, whether it was money, maybe she wanted more mainstream success. She goes to NBC and what happened at NBC? She still is as conservative as she ever was over there. And NBC didn’t like that, so what did they do? They threw her out like a redheaded stepchild. So careful, Megyn. We’re all on the same team here. Just because I have different beliefs than you.”

Rock added, “You know, we can all have different points of views. And that goes for the left and right, too. I think at the end of the day, we can all hopefully in this coming year, try to find more things we have in common than we don’t. You know, I’ve talked to Bill Maher and we’re talking and he hates Trump. I’m like, I love Trump. Do you want to sit here and talk about this the whole time or you want to find some stuff we have in common? And I think this country needs it and not to throw you or anyone else under the bus that the media has got a whole lot to do with this.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart December 21st 2023