Kinzinger: I’m ‘Very Proud’ of Jordan Holdouts, Will Be Hard for Him to Become Speaker

CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger said Tuesday on CNN’s “News Central” that he was “very proud” of the 20 Republicans who voted against Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for speaker.

Kinzinger said, “I’m impressed that there’s 20. I was worried this morning because a lot of the hard opposition to Jordan had been capitulating in the last 24 hours, like Mike Rogers from Alabama, Ann Wagner from Missouri. They were ‘hell no’ until they were all in. This is embarrassing for Jim Jordan.”

He continued, “I think this is going to be hard for him to fix. I mean the only thing I can imagine is if he starts cutting deals and those deals include things that he’s never supported in the past. For instance, if he says I’m committed to bringing Ukraine funding on the floor he may be able to peel off one or two of those. If he says I’m committed to whatever it is, I don’t know, maybe he can get to his number, but I think this is hard.”

Kinzinger added, “The easiest thing to do if you’re a Republican is to vote for Jim Jordan the first time and go away the second time. I think you could see even more peel away on the second round, or he consolidates. Who really knows? I think it’s going to be very hard for him to become speaker now.

He concluded, “That doesn’t mean they’re not going to use blistering pressure on Fox News, NewsMax, OAN to activate the base to scare the crap out of those people. There’s a lot of brave people in those 20 that I am very proud of them today.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart October 17th 2023