Laredo Mayor: Border Is ‘the Crux’ of Fentanyl Crisis, Need to Do Better Stopping It

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Laredo, TX Mayor Victor Trevino stated that we have to do a better job stopping fentanyl from crossing the border and “That is where the crux is, stopping it at the border.”

Trevino said, “I think we have to have awareness, number one. And we have to push the idea that this is a crisis, not only for certain cities, but the whole country. And it’s a bi-national thing. We need to look at the source. We need to stop the source. We need to do strategies, and, first of all, talking about the strategies besides the treatment, we know what the treatment is, and we know how to give treatment to people that are in this situation, but the strategies to curb the influx of [fentanyl] and the production of [fentanyl], I think is very important. Education is also very important.”

He added, “We have about 15 to 17 thousand 18-wheelers a day crossing the border. And it’s very hard to check all of them. But we have some electronic devices that check the trailers and for anomalies. But it is — we need to do a better job, and I agree with that. So, that is where the crux is, stopping it at the border. But before we get there, stopping it where it’s produced and shipped, precursor material shipped from China.”

Earlier, Trevino stated that we need to have a partnership with Mexico to fight the fentanyl problem.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 2nd 2023