Leader Of Maryland LGBTQ+ Dems Caught In Alleged Pedo Sting, Trying To Meet With Young Boy

The head of the Maryland Democratic Party (MDP) LGBTQ+ Diversity Leadership Council (DLC), Michael Knaapen, who, of course, uses pronouns and lives in ultra-progressive Montgomery County, Maryland (as per his own profile on the Maryland Dems website), was caught on video in a very disturbing predator sting.

"We just busted the head of the LGBTQ Dems of Maryland going after a 14-year-old. Groomers are about to be mad," Alex Rosen, founder of Houston-based vigilante organization Predator Poachers, which conducts sting operations on adults nationwide who seek sexual activities with young boys and girls. 

Pedophile Hunter Rosen posted a video on X featuring Knaapen discussing his role as the head of the MDP LGBTQ+ DLC. 

"These are some of the text messages between Michael Knaapen (Leader of LGBTQ Dems of Maryland) and a 14-year-old boy," the Pedophile Hunter wrote on X. 

Of course, Knaapen has pronouns in his bio. 

He's not a fan of conservative talk show hosts. 

Nor former President Trump. 

Pedophile Hunter Rosen continued with more shocking texts Knaapen sent to a "14-year-old boy." 

X account Gays Against Groomers is furious with Knaapen, indicating, "We hope this vile pedophile never knows another day of peace in his life."

Pedophile Hunter Rosen noted:

In regards to the lack of police involvement in this, please note:

  • We tried to turn this in back in November, and they didn't want to do anything with it
  • Though he admitted to sending d pics, in Maryland the law states you have to be a cop or a real kid for it to be a charge
  • He admitted to previously possessing CP but did not have any in his possession currently
  • We are still going to turn all of this over to the cops, but calling them to the scene would have done nothing.

Meanwhile, leftist organizations and corporate media outlets have tried to convince the American people that 'LGBT grooming' is merely a right-wing 'conspiracy theory.' 

leader of maryland lgbtq dems caught in alleged pedo sting trying to meet with young boy

"The thing that never happens is happening again," X user Reddit Lies said.

X users are disgusted with this report. There's a war on kids

Maryland Democrats should be ashamed of themselves.

Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge June 22nd 2024