Let's All Take A Moment To Revel In This...

CNN quitter Jim Acosta has announced that he’s ’going independent’, which is fake news code for “nobody wants to hire me.”

lets all take a moment to revel in this

Acosta told the few viewers CNN has left live on air that the network basically offered him a shittier time slot and reduced pay to spew his anti-Trump venom, but that he has decided to “move on.”

So what does that entail?

He’s starting his own Substack and calling it ‘The Jim Acosta Show.’

Don’t all go rushing off at once to subscribe.

Take a laugh at this glorious L.

Acosta’s first post on his sadstack was a claim that Trump and his allies have ‘silenced’ him. 

Hold on bubba, you quit. 

No one silenced you, they just choose not to listen to your poisonous bile.

This is the kind of satisfaction we’ve been waiting so long for.

So succulent. 

These bubble dwelling legacy media hacks are finally getting their comeuppance.

It betrays how disconnected from reality they are that Acosta, Don Lemon, Chris Wallace and their ilk think they can pivot to become some sort of ‘censored’ alternative media personalities now that the big pharma sponsored propaganda teet has dried up.

It’s over for them.

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Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news January 29th 2025