Maher: Blue-Collar Hispanics, Immigrants Care More About Illegals Taking Their Jobs than Jokes, Celebrities

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that “Trump understands that, if you’re a Mexican immigrant here, a legal one, and you’re working probably a blue-collar job, who are you worried about taking your job? The guy coming across the border.” And people like that don’t care about “A joke about Puerto Rico. They don’t give a shit who Bad Bunny’s voting for.”

Maher said, “We are less racially tribal than we were five days ago, I think this election proved it. Not that — he still got killed in the black vote, overwhelmingly. But, it’s — the Latino vote, not so. It’s the ultimate irony is the guy who started out as a politician saying, they’re rapists, wins the rapist vote. … Because they’re like, you know what, you know what people don’t care about? A joke about Puerto Rico. They don’t give a shit who Bad Bunny’s voting for.”

He added “I would say celebrities [are] an albatross around your neck. You shouldn’t have us. People look at that and they go, celebrities are not like us, they don’t understand our lives. Taylor Swift, that was going to be a big thing, no.”

Maher concluded, “Trump understands this country better. He just does. … Trump understands that, if you’re a Mexican immigrant here, a legal one, and you’re working probably a blue-collar job, who are you worried about taking your job? The guy coming across the border. So, of course, they’re like, oh, I like this guy who’s going to build a wall, because that’s the guy who’s going to take my job, basic shit.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 8th 2024