Maher: Dems Still Haven’t Done Needed Rerouting, Are Still Great at Meaningless Stuff

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher reacted to the selection of Ken Martin as DNC Chair by saying Democrats needed to “completely reroute themselves, and I don’t think they did it.” And they’re still great at completely empty gestures.

Maher began by saying, “I did not think it got off to a great start, because I think they need to completely reroute themselves, and I don’t think they did it.”

He added, “Well, this Ken Martin guy, he said something I’ve heard Democrats say a lot, we didn’t get our message out, and maybe I’m paraphrasing…and I’ve said this before to Democrats, no, you did, that’s the problem. You did get your message out, and people don’t like the message. And the message they sent here, they began it with a land acknowledgment. … I did a whole bit about land acknowledgments, either give it back or shut the f*ck up. And that’s — to me, that signals that we just don’t get it, because you’re not going to give back the land.”

MSNBC host Chris Hayes responded, “It is an empty gesture, fundamentally.”

Maher then stated, “Which is what they’re so good at.”

Hayes responded that everyone has heard progressive communication that has been weird, but “there is a message of what I would call like, commonsense, patriotic, pluralism” and Maher agreed.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart February 7th 2025