Maher: People Are Better Off, But Biden’s ‘Too Feeble’ to Make That Case

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that even with prices being higher than they were, people are economically better off than they were four years ago, but President Joe Biden is “too feeble to be the explainer-in-chief, to get out there” and make a case for himself.

Maher said, “The Washington Post says, ‘Nearly Everything Americans Believe About the Economy Is Wrong‘. So interesting, 55% think the economy is shrinking or is in a recession, could not be more the reverse, half think unemployment is at a 50-year high, it’s 4%. Roughly half think the stock markets are down. They’re at all-time highs. … How can Joe Biden, who’s done well with the economy, pretty much, how can he run on, are you better…now than you were four years ago, if people don’t think they are, and the truth is, they are?”

Later, Maher agreed with CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama adviser David Axelrod that prices are up. He added, “And the problem is that Biden — I’m sorry, but he’s too feeble to be the explainer-in-chief, to get out there. And that’s why we need somebody with a little more vibran[ce] to make the case.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart June 1st 2024