Manchin: Biden Ignored Iran’s Illicit Oil Trade Because He Needed Lower Gas Prices

On Monday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Last Call,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated that, in an effort to lower gas prices, the Biden administration “turned a blind eye to the ghost ships coming out of Iran, who uses their resources, their income off of oil to create more havoc and terror around the world.”

Manchin began by arguing that the White House should brag more about its energy production record and stated, “[W]hen gas was going to five dollars a gallon, and that was back in the 2021 era, when it was going to five dollars and we had to do something — it was 2022, I’m sorry, and then inflation was at 9%, we had to do something. And we came up with this legislation that we wrote and they said, why’d you call it the IRA? And I said, well, Inflation Reduction Act means that inflation should be going down, not up. And if we can do that, we’ve accomplished it. We went from 9% to 3%. … It seemed like it pretty [well] worked. We put more — it was mandating this administration to produce more fossil and we’re using cleaner technology and while we invested in the environment as far as carbon-free. We’ve done that. And we have produced more, and by producing more, we’re basically displacing dirtier production.”

Manchin further stated, “Well, when they were desperate and everyone wanted their prices low and were raising Cain with the President…he went over to Saudi Arabia and asked them to produce more and they went the opposite direction. They allowed Venezuela, Venezuela crude’s produced 80% more pollution…and then they turned a blind eye to the ghost ships coming out of Iran, who uses their resources, their income off of oil to create more havoc and terror around the world. So, you tell me. People realize, when push comes to shove, you’ve got to have energy, you have got to be energy secure, energy independent to have the superpower of the world, and that’s what we are.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart March 18th 2024