Manchin: Border Security Has to Be in Israel, Ukraine Bill, Dems Have Been Weak on Border and It’s ‘Very Porous’

During an interview with NBC News on Wednesday, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated that we have “very porous borders.” And “Democrats have not been strong on border security.” Manchin also argued that border security has to be part of a supplemental spending bill and should be tied to aid to Israel and Ukraine.

Manchin said, “When you have borders that we have, very porous borders. They have to be controlled. You have people that basically could be worker visas so we had more workers in the country for the right reason. We have DREAMers who have been here forever, can’t get them into a full workforce.”

Later, [relevant exchange begins around 27:40], “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker asked, “Well, let me ask you this, in terms of what Congress and the White House are facing right now, obviously, aid to Israel and Ukraine was not included in this effort to keep the government open. How critical is it, do you think, that Congress passes this supplemental, aid to Israel, aid to Ukraine, by the end of the year?”

Manchin responded, “And border security. We have to have border security. And the Democrats have not been strong on border security. I’m very strong on it. But also, I’m compassionate on worker visa programs.”

Welker then asked, “Do you think that aid to Israel and aid to Ukraine and border security should all be linked?”

Manchin answered, “Absolutely.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 15th 2023