Marjorie Taylor Greene: GOP Conference Is ‘Absolutely Broken’

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that she did not support the Republican plan for a temporary House speaker, adding the conference was “absolutely broken.”

Reporter Garrett Haake said, “There’s a lot going on simultaneously here. A lot of confusion about what the actual plan is going to look like going forward. Here is what I can tell you. Jim Jordan has told Republicans behind closed doors that he supports the idea of giving McHenry temporary power for an extended period of time. Although what that period of time is, is one of the open questions. Is it until the end of the year? Is it until mid November?”

He continued, “That appears to be a little bit of a moving target. Democrats who haven’t seen the text of the resolution have been hearing from Leader Jeffries about it in the room behind me. They have been discussing what would be their red lines.”

Haake added, “Some Republicans, particularly some of the more hardline Jim Jordan supporters are digging in. They hate this idea.”

Greene said, “I do not support this plan. Republican voters work too hard to give us the majority for us to enter some sort of temporary speakership.”

She added, “Our conference has a responsibility to the American people, to our districts, to work together and unify, and this conference is absolutely broken.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart October 19th 2023