Mark Kelly: Trump’s Language to Divide Us Is ‘Dangerous’

Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) said Wednesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that former President Donald Trump uses “dangerous” language that divides Americans.

Cooper asked, “What is your perspective on this? Has political rhetoric gotten out of control in the run-up to the election?”

Kelly said, “Let me just start by saying no family, individual should ever be subject to political violence. It’s happened to tie too many times in our country’s history and certainly my family, what happened to Gabby over a decade ago, there’s no place for that. We’ve got to consider what are, you know, the language we use and what it means and how it could incite people. But with Donald Trump is doing is what he always does, right? He points the finger any places blame in other in other places.”

Cooper said, “I mean, literally tonight, we just played a clip of him at a rally in long island and saying, you know, don’t don’t call your opponent, say your opponent is going to end democracy and then he immediately said, she’s going to destroy the country.”

Kelly said, “Well, it’s interesting. I mean, it comes from a guy who, shortly after I got sworn in to the U.S. Senate, assembled a mob in Washington D.C. and then spoke to that mob and instructed them to go to Capitol Hill because he didn’t like how the election turned out. So it’s, you know it’s quite odd to hear those words come out of his mouth, but we’ve seen this before. We’ve seen this for over a decade. The way he uses language to divide the American people. And it’s really uncalled for. And it’s dangerous. So I would I would hope that going forward here, he rethinks how he’s using this language to divide us.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart September 18th 2024