Marlow x Morris: Establishment Media Promote People For Lying

Alex Marlow, Lara Trump, Emma-Jo Morris (2)
Screenshot, The Right View

Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow and Breitbart politics editor Emma-Jo Morris told Lara Trump that the establishment media promote people for lying.

Morris pointed out that MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow said she would not be airing former President Donald Trump’s victory speech following the Iowa caucuses, claiming that he says so-called “untruths.”

“Let me remind you who this is coming from,” Morris said on Trump’s The Right View. “Rachel Maddow, the same person who would literally get on TV with the head of the CIA, John Brennan, to do a collab with the intelligence community to lie maliciously and purposely to the American people.”

“She was, at one point, tied with Hannity for many weeks in a row with the number one show on cable news to lie that the President of the United States is a Manchurian candidate controlled by Vladimir Putin,” Morris continued.

“This is a person who’s now strutting onto TV to tell you that you can’t watch the victory speech of a candidate for president — who, by the way, is being persecuted by like five different jurisdictions — because he says ‘untruths’?” the politics editor added.

Watch the full interview below:


Marlow noted that the 2020 presidential election was “not rigged the way a lot of people think,” pointing to his book, Breaking the News — which was recently rereleased in a second edition, featuring new material for 2024 — where people can find more information on that.

The Breitbart editor-in-chief went on to explain that the election was essentially interfered with by the establishment media. “Rachel Maddow gets a lot of attention in the book,” Marlow said. “And when you start reading, end to end, the lies she put out about Russia collusion and Trump, you don’t think that she’s doing performance art — which is how I typically think of her, as just a performance artist — you think of her as a full-blown kook.”

“You think of her as completely insane when you start reading the things back to back that she spit out at her audience with, not only no consequences, rewards,” Marlow added. “Tens of millions of dollars, number one book deals, all of that for lying to people’s faces — but sounding smart while she lied. That’s the key.”

Morris chimed in, saying that Maddow is “not a kook at all. She’s a Rhodes Scholar.”

“She’s not some whack job that they picked up off the subway station at 47th street. She is a very smart person. She knows what she’s doing,” Morris added, to which Lara Trump reacted, saying, “And that’s the most terrifying part.”

Trump continued:

Alex, I think it’s really great that you brought up your book, because here we are — in the midst of, now officially it feels like, one of the most important, if not the most important, elections in our lifetime. Because if we allow these same people, who, as Emma-Jo just talked about, are persecuting my father-in-law, the number one candidate on the Republican side, the likely Republican candidate — nominee for president, and using Biden’s Department of Justice against his number one opponent, if we allow these people to get away with it now, I don’t know that we have the same country on the other side of things.

“So when we are headed into something like this, people need to get ready. You need to arm yourself with information, and a book like yours, Breaking the News, to give people that information,” Trump affirmed.

“Because we all have friends who are kind of like, ‘Well, I don’t know. I don’t think I could vote for Trump because of XYZ lie.’ Get the information,” she added. “Learn about it, so you can immediately refute these ridiculous claims that people tend to make because they have, unfortunately, tuned in to one of these stations.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Facebook and X/Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

Authored by Alana Mastrangelo via Breitbart January 22nd 2024