Mary Trump on Guilty Verdict: ‘Great Day for America’

Former President Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” that former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict in the New York business document trial was a “great day for America.”

Trump said, “I was, as you can imagine, relieved, happy. It took a minute to sink in, but also as the counts when one through 34, guilty, guilty, guilty, et cetera, the weight of this moment really sunk in. It really hit me. This has so much meaning for all of us. I am incredibly proud of my city and my state. I am really relieved on behalf of the American people. This was such a long time coming and I know he has been found guilty of the charges that were presented to the jury but in some ways it feels like it is standing in for all of the crimes this man has gotten away with his entire life. So there was something incredibly gratifying and moving about it.”

She continued, “I have heard people say that we can celebrate the jury system. We can celebrate the jurors and the way the trial was handled but it is a dark day in America that someone in Donald’s position has been found guilty of these crimes. I would respectfully disagree ?i think it is a great day for America. I think it shows us that the system is holding and that even somebody like him who has, with impunity, gotten away with egregious crimes over the course of decades has finally at long last been held accountable.”

Trump added, “He will understand that he has indeed been found guilty on 34 counts, I’m sorry I shouldn’t  smile, but it makes me smile, to say that out loud.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart May 30th 2024