McCaskill: ‘Lily Livered’ Coward GOP Senators ‘Abhor’ Trump and His Ugly Base Politics

MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Monday on “The ReidOut” that most Republican senators hate former President Donald Trump and his “ugly” base politics.

Anchor Joy Reid said, “You haven’t seen the Republicans, one used to think of, the sort of Lindsey Graham squad, they’re silent on this stuff, or they’re down with it.”

McCaskill said, “Well, most of them are hiding. I have said this many times before and I’ll say it again. The vast majority of the Republican senators can’t stand Donald Trump. They abhor what he’s done to their party, they abhor the norms he’s blown up. They think his politics is base and ugly, but they are afraid of his political power and of the base that he has created and calcified within the Republican Party.”

She continued, “So they’re just afraid. It’s just, I have said it before, they’re all lily lived cowards. If all of them can come together, you can leave out Tuberville and some of the other idiots, but if most of them would come together and do a press conference and say we have had enough, the party would follow him. I mean, they would follow the leaders if McCarthy would come to his senses and actually say, I’m not going to be hijacked by the most extreme elements in this country, I’m going to do what most of the American people want us to do, that is to behave responsibly and try to solve America’s problems, but they’re too afraid of his political power, and that’s the bottom line. I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart August 7th 2023