McCaskill: Trump Is ‘Out of His Ever-Loving Mind’ — He’s ‘Dire Threat to Our National Security’

MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Monday on “Deadline” that she believed former President Donald Trump was mentally ill and, therefore, a threat to national security.

McCaskill said, “Joe Biden’s physical frailties are not nearly as problematic as Donald Trump’s mental illness, his derangement.”

Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “I feel like you’re saying something important and profound right now. You’re saying what they’re attempting to do is put on par the Joe Biden’s age and questions about his stamina with Donald Trump’s autocratic, corrupt, criminal ways.”

McCaskill said, “Trump’s out of his ever-loving mind. The things he’s saying and doing now.”

She continued, “He’s crazy and deranged and willing to do anything and surround himself with people who will do anything he wants them to do whether it is pardoning people who have been convicted for violently attacking police officers in the Capitol or whether it’s telling his followers to do physical violence, political violence against prosecutors and judges, threatening to change who can broadcast in this country. I mean, this is all nutty. He’s nuts. He’s lost his friggin’ mind. It’s so plain to see if you’re not caught up in the power he represents.”

McCaskill concluded, “This man should be nowhere near a lever of power. He is impulsive, he is irrational. He’s self-absorbed to the point of it being a dire threat to our national security and our standing in the world.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart September 25th 2023