Meghan McCain Vows to Make It Her ‘Personal Mission’ to Campaign, Fundraise Against Senators Voting Against Tulsi Gabbard’s Confirmation

Meghan McCain Supports Tulsi Gabbard
Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for TIME, Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Meghan McCain vowed to make it her “personal mission to help campaign and fundraise” against any Senator who does not vote to confirm Tulsi Gabbard to serve as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

“Any Senator who votes against @TulsiGabbard for DNI isn’t just going to have a problem with MAGA and Trump,” McCain warned. “I will make it my personal mission to help campaign and fundraise against you in your next election. And my people are probably a lot like their people.”

McCain’s words came days after Gabbard first appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday for her confirmation hearing. During Gabbard’s opening statement, she addressed the “lies and smears” that her opponents have attempted to spread about her, noting that her opponents have implied she is “loyal to something or someone other than God” or the Constitution of the United States.

What Gabbard said was:

Now, before I close, I want to warn the American people who are watching at home, you may hear lies and smears in this hearing that will challenge my loyalty to and my love for our country. Those who oppose my nomination imply that I am loyal to something or someone other than God, my own conscience and the Constitution of the United States, accusing me of being Trump’s puppet, Putin’s puppet, Assad’s puppet.

As Breitbart News’s Kristina Wong reported, Democrats and the mainstream media have peddled lies and smears about Gabbard being “an Assad sympathizer,” a “Russian asset,” and that she is “soft on Iran.”

While Gabbard has faced smears and lies launched against her from the Democrats and media, several former intelligence officials have come out in defense of Gabbard, saying she has put “party loyalty far behind duty to country.”

Gabbard has also received support from over 1,000 veterans who signed a letter supporting President Donald Trump’s nomination of her as the Director of National Intelligence.

Authored by Elizabeth Weibel via Breitbart February 1st 2025