Michael Savage: Alex Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’ Is a ‘Mindblower,’ ‘Frightening’

michael savage alex marlows breaking biden is a mindblower frightening
AP Photo/John Storey; BNN

Conservative talk radio legend Michael Savage lavished praised on Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s new book Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administrationdescribing the painstakingly-researched manuscript as a “mindblower.”

Savage made the laudatory remarks ahead of a wide-ranging interview with Marlow about the book.

“It’s an important book, and I’m going to read you something from the book jacket about ‘Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration.’ It’s a mindblower,” Savage declared.

michael savage alex marlows breaking biden is a mindblower frightening
“We learn over [Biden’s] 50-year career lifer, Joey-boy Biden, has become known for his gaffes, lies, and general creepiness. But Marlow says it’s not his policies failing or his absolute lack of accountability that has lead to his historically-low poll numbers,” the radio veteran continued. “It’s the presumption that something more insidious is lying under the surface, and this book is a crash of lighting exposing the Biden political machine in a way that was previously unknown. I can’t wait to learn what [Marlow] exposes. The secret cadre of consultants running Joe’s world, how Joe sold America’s intellectual property to Communist China, how the whole Biden family bagged cash off the family name.”

“This is unbelievable, this is unreal,” he concluded.

Listen to Savage’s complete interview with Marlow here.

On Tuesday, Marlow released a report detailing one of the book’s revelations: that the China-linked University of Delaware’s partnership with President Joe Biden was known as the “baby” of the president’s embattled son Hunter Biden and was part of the family’s “wealth creation” strategy.

Marlow writes:

While media reports have focused University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center, less attention has been paid to University of Delaware’s Biden Institute, even though these two “institutes” were opened on the same day and meant to serve a shared goal of being incubators of advancing globalism and leftism. The UPenn Biden Center became a pipeline for longtime Biden allies into his administration, and, as previously reported by Peter Schweizer, proceeded a suspicious influx in Chinese donations to the university.


On December 11, 2018, the University of Delaware announced that it was naming its public policy school after Vice President Biden. Emails show that this move was orchestrated by members of UD’s Biden Institute. It was on the day of the announcement that Hunter Biden received a text message from his aunt and former Joe Biden campaign manager, Valerie Owens (who chairs the Biden Institute), crediting him for the deepening partnership with between the Biden family and the university: “Bravo Hunter—UD was your baby and you made sure I was part of it.”

Even before the release of Breaking Biden, the book was already raising eyebrows from high-profile figures in the media, including Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures host Maria Bartiromo.

Speaking with Bartiromo, Marlow implied that a Chinese firm getting our strategic oil reserves makes little or no sense save for the fact that there is a connection with Hunter Biden.

“There is no reason for Chinese to get U.S. [strategic] oil aside from to benefit the commercial interest of the Biden family,” Marlow judged.

“This is so stunning, Alex,” Bartiromo responded.

Breaking Biden is available now in hardcover, eBook, and audiobook read by the author.

Authored by Breitbart News via Breitbart October 3rd 2023