Moskowitz: Dems Call Out Trump But Silent on Left’s Antisemitism

Representative Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) said Friday on “CNN This Morning” that his Democratic colleagues will call out former President Donald Trump for things they find offensive but are silent on antisemitism on the left.

Moskowitz said, “There are very few issues that are bipartisan in this country in today’s society, but antisemitism is one of them, right? We see Nazis in the street. We saw it in Madison, Wisconsin, the other day, we’ve seen it in Florida in Orlando near Disney World. When things happen on, let’s say, the right, my Republican colleagues want to ignore it. They’re very quiet. But, by the way, the same thing happens to my left, which is when there is a protest that’s on a foreign policy issue like a ceasefire protest, but there are people in the crowd holding signs that say ‘gas the Jews, kill the Jews,’ I don’t see my colleagues on the left calling that out.”

He continued, “So antisemitism is easy to call out when it’s across the aisle, right? Democrats have no problem calling out Marjorie Taylor Greene or Paul Gosar, and Republicans have no problem calling out the squad, but when they want to do it from within the party, they’re super quiet.”

Moskowitz added, “When Donald Trump had dinner and tea at Mar-a-Lago with a holocaust denier, I didn’t hear many of my Republican colleagues come out and criticize the president. So, you know, politics cannot be above your jersey, your team cannot be above fighting antisemitism.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart November 23rd 2023