Moulton: ‘Little Bit of Truth’ to Charge Dems Had ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’

During an interview with WBUR aired on Wednesday, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) said there is “a little bit of truth” to the accusation by Republicans that Democrats suffered from Trump derangement syndrome and “There was some degree to which many Democrats just wouldn’t even entertain an idea coming from the first Trump administration.”

WBUR Senior Political Reporter Anthony Brooks asked, [relevant exchange begins around 3:25] “It sounds like what you’re suggesting is that Democrats face a risk that, if they only lead with resistance, they get branded as the party of no. Is that something that you need to be careful of? Do you agree with that analysis?”

Moulton answered, “That’s right. We can’t just be the party of no. The Republicans charged Democrats in the past with something they called Trump derangement syndrome. And the idea was that Democrats just reflexively opposed every single thing Trump suggested, and you know, Anthony, there’s actually a little bit of truth to that. There was some degree to which many Democrats just wouldn’t even entertain an idea coming from the first Trump administration. And, every once in a while, a broken clock is right twice a day, right? Every once in a while, we might see something worthwhile discussing or debating or maybe even advancing, coming from this administration.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart January 8th 2025