
MSNBC’s Hayes: Harris Revived Path to Citizenship Push That ‘Has Been Annihilated’

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” host Chris Hayes stated that 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris’ speech at the border revived the push for a pathway to citizenship for people in the country illegally that “has been annihilated from the national public discourse.”

Futuro Media President and founder Maria Hinojosa said, “So, it took about 20 minutes for her to switch the conversation from fentanyl, immigrants, crime, drugs etc.”

Hayes then cut in to say, “Transnational gangs, border, security.”

Hinojosa continued, “Which is basically saying, oh my God, at the border, that’s all you’re seeing, gangs, drug trafficking. That’s not all you’re seeing. Okay.” Which Hayes agreed with.

Hinojosa then stated, “But she did make the switch. And you and I were just like, oh my gosh, did she just talk about DREAMers? Did she just say that she’s going to really attempt to create a pathway to citizenship?”

Hayes responded, “That phrase stuck out to me, because that phrase — and you’ve been covering immigration longer than I have, but I’ve been covering it for a minute as well — that phrase was the center of so many debates and policy debates and legislation and McCain-Kennedy and all these things, [it] has been annihilated from the national public discourse. And it was like, you and I both went, oh, I haven’t heard that in a while.”

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via September 28th 2024