MSNBC’s McCaskill: ‘It Is Ridiculous that The New York Times Fact Check Joe Biden’

MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Thursday on “Morning Joe” that The New York Times was “ridiculous” for a story headlined “Fact-Checking Biden’s Recent Economic Talking Points,” which pointed out some of the president’s comments were misleading.

McCaskill said, “If you travel around the world, which I’m fortunate enough to have a chance to do several times a year, you know what the rest of the world sees right now? They see America with the strongest economy. They see America with the most advanced technology. America’s universities still the brightest light on the horizon in terms of academics and research. They see American companies still exceeding in terms of their global reach. But you know what they look down their nose at? At Donald Trump being a leader. What everyone says when you travel, ‘Well, you wouldn’t elect him again, would you? Hasn’t the country learned? You wouldn’t ever give this guy power again, would you? Tell us that he’s not going to be re-elected. Please, tell us you’ve learned your lesson.’ So The only blemish on the great country of America worldwide is, in fact, Donald Trump.”

She continued, “Can I make a suggestion? I move that every newspaper in America quits doing any fact checks on Joe Biden until they fact check Donald Trump every morning on the front page. It is ridiculous that The New York Times fact check Joe Biden on something. I mean, he vomits lies, Trump vomits lies. And he, every day over and over and over again. And it’s just ridiculous that The New York Times is doing a fact check on Biden while they let Trump- they’re numb to the torrent of lies coming out of Trump’s mouth.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart February 21st 2024