MSNBC’s Wagner: Biden Was ‘Rambling and Incoherent’ on Multiple Easy Questions

During MSNBC’s debate coverage on Thursday, MSNBC host Alex Wagner stated that President Joe Biden “did nothing to disabuse…the country of the notion that he is very old and was lost frequently in that debate.” And Biden gave “rambling and incoherent” answers to what should have been easy questions.

Wagner said, “There has been a uniformly negative reaction to Biden’s performance tonight. Surely…this was about revealing who Donald Trump was, but it was also Joe Biden battling a caricature of himself as an enfeebled person, an impression that Trump has been eager to convey to the country, and he did nothing to disabuse, I think, the country of the notion that he is very old and was lost frequently in that debate.”

She continued, “On answers that should have been, to put it bluntly, a layup for him, whether it was abortion or the attack on abortion medication, his answers were rambling and incoherent. He turned a response on abortion into a mention of a migrant killing. This is a person that clearly was over-prepared and had a lot of different points that were sort of swimming around in his head, and, as a result, it felt like the answers that were legible, if you will, were not nearly delivered with the force and the clarity that they should’ve been. And I will say, Donald Trump was, in some ways, the most Trumpy he has been lately, full of lies and misinformation, but it was almost an afterthought.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart June 27th 2024