Naming Names: Infamous 'Epstein List' Set For Wednesday Release

Documents containing previously unknown names of Jeffrey Epstein associates are set for release on Wednesday, after a New York federal court ordered court documents unsealed, CNBC reports.

naming names infamous epstein list set for wednesday release

Over 150 people are reportedly named in the filings, some of whom have previously been disclosed as connected with the dead pedophile, who was found dead in a New York jail after being arrested on federal child sex trafficking charges.

"Things should start getting unsealed today," Edward Friedland, the district executive for that court, told CNBC.

The  documents were filed in connection with a Manhattan federal court lawsuit brought by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's former girlfriend and 'madam,' who recruited girls for exploitation by Epstein and pals.

naming names infamous epstein list set for wednesday release

Only Epstein and Maxwell have been criminally charged in connection with his longstanding abuse of girls and young women at residences in New York, the U.S. Virgin Islands and elsewhere. -CNBC

That said, Judge Loretta Preska granted a 30-day extension of the disclosure of several names, including a woman identified as "Doe 107," in order to review her claim that she faces risk of physical harm in her home country if her name is released.

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Authored by Tyler Durden via ZeroHedge January 3rd 2024