Nancy Pelosi on Trump Arraignment: ‘I Saw a Scared Puppy’

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Friday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” said former President Donald Trump looked like a “scared puppy” arriving in Washington, D.C. to be arraigned in the January 6 case.

Mitchell said, “I want your reaction to the history we saw unfold yesterday. A former president of the United States pleading not guilty over an alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election while he was still leading the country.”

Pelosi said, “As I have said, this is heartbreaking for the country. It leads me to a very prayerful time as we say God bless America, to really bless America with people having an openness to receive the truth. The focus, as I mentioned, thank you Officer Dunn and the others. I hear from them, they want the truth to come out. Here they are still protecting the people who voted against accepting the electoral college results because they are professionals, because they are patriotic because they do their jobs.”

She added, “To see the president of the United States be arraigned, it was interesting to hear Mr. Dunn talk about how it felt for him in the courtroom. I wasn’t in the courtroom, of course but when I saw his coming out of his car and this or that, I saw a scared puppy. He looked very, very, very concerned about his fate. I didn’t see any bravado or confidence or anything like that. He knows. He knows the truth, that he lost the election, and now he has to face the music.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart August 4th 2023