Netanyahu Adviser on Hamas Releasing Thais, No Americans: Hamas Releases who Iran Tells Them to

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Senior Adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Mark Regev commented on the first release of hostages held by Hamas and the fact that no Americans were included while twelve Thai nationals and a Filipino national were included by stating that Hamas will release who Iran tells them to, but he’s “hopeful” an American girl among the hostages will be released.

Host Gillian Turner asked, [relevant exchange begins around 4:20] “Mr. Ambassador, two surprise developments — or at least a surprise for the American public, seemingly for the American government as well, that is that no Americans were released. We had initially been under the impression that three would be released potentially today. Also, the release of these additional hostages, twelve Thai nationals, as well as one Filipino included in that…number. Any sense of what went on with either of those developments? Do you have any sense of why that occurred? Was your side taken by surprise by that?”

Regev responded, “We weren’t taken by surprise. We know that the Thais were speaking directly to the Iranians. And, as you know, Iran is the primary funder of Hamas. … 93% of Hamas’ military budget comes from Tehran, from the Islamic Republic of Iran. It’s part of their axis of terror, which includes Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen. That’s the axis they belong to. And it’s clear that if Iran asks Hamas to do something, they will do it. On the question about the Americans, I’m hopeful that we’ll still see that young American girl freed. She fits into all the categories. She’s young. She needs to be prioritized. And I hope that she gets out very, very soon.”

Regev also thanked the Biden administration for its help in negotiating the deal.

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart November 24th 2023