New Jersey Woman Votes in Bra After Being Told to Ditch MAGA Gear

Voters arrive at Waddell Language Academy in Charlotte, North Carolina shortly after the p
Grant Baldwin / AFP via Getty

A woman took off her shirt and began “spinning it like a lasso” after election workers in Hamilton Township, New Jersey, asked her to take off her MAGA hat and cover up a shirt she was wearing that expressed support for former President Donald Trump, reported.

The woman proceeded to vote in her bra during early voting at the Colonial Fire House, hurling curses at election workers and calling them “nasty names,” Mercer County Board of Elections chairperson Jill Moyer told the outlet.

“I asked her to remove her hat and said if you want to go get a jacket from your car, I will hold your place in line or you could go into the bathroom to turn the shirt inside out,” Moyer said of the October 26 encounter. “Before I could get it all out, she took off her shirt and flung it around.”

According to the New York Post, Moyer went to call the police, but the unidentified woman filled out her ballot quickly and left.

Witnesses said the shirtless woman allegedly flipped poll workers the bird and shouted profanities.

“This is why I vote Trump,” the woman allegedly added, according to a since-deleted Reddit post showing the woman in a nude bra and silver earrings.

Another voter in New Jersey walked into a polling location in the Gloucester Township wearing a red cloak and a white bonnet inspired by “The Handmaid’s Tale,” which is a dystopian book and television series where women are enslaved, raped, and forced to have children by their masters, according to the report. The woman reportedly complied with the request to take off the costume and put it back on after leaving the polling place.

In New Jersey, “electioneering” is against the law, ordering that voters may not “distribute or display any circular or printed matter or offer any suggestion or solicit any support for any candidate, party or public question within the polling place or room or within a distance of 100 feet of the outside entrance to such polling place or room, or within 100 feet of a ballot drop box in use during the conduct of an election.”

Authored by Katherine Hamilton via Breitbart November 3rd 2024