Newt Gingrich: Trump Iowa Landslide a Victory for the ‘American People’

Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the US House of Representatives, speaks during the America First Policy Institute's America First Agenda summit in Washington, D.C., US, on Monday, July 25, 2022. The non-profit think tank was formed last year by former cabinet members and top officials in the Trump administration to …
Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Donald Trump’s decisive victory in Iowa was a victory for the American people and for democracy, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich declares.

“Despite every media attack, political lawsuit, and old guard establishment effort to destroy Trump and force him out of the election,” Gingrich writes, “the people of Iowa stood up and said, ‘no,’ he is our candidate.”

“Trump is the Republican nominee,” Gingrich asserts. “Everyone who is upset about that needs to get over it.”

He will win again in New Hampshire this month and again in South Carolina next month, he contends.

“The race will be effectively over before Super Tuesday on March 5,” he adds, and “in my view, it’s over now.”

The reason for this is simple, Gingrich argues, and it has to do with real democracy.

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Trump is not just a candidate but “the leader of a nationwide movement of the American people to take power back from the establishment,” he states. “This is why all the establishment’s attacks aren’t working with Americans.”

“Every time Trump is attacked in court or in the media, he gets stronger,” he writes. “People see a corrupt establishment desperately trying to protect itself – despite the will of the people.”

The American people now understand that the Russian collusion hoax “was a total lie cooked up by the Democrats and the Washington establishment to stop a candidate (and later president) who would take away their power,” he declares.

“And this rejection of big government-bureaucratic-central control has been building for decades. Trump has merely been the voice that articulates it clearly,” he maintains.

“The fact is we know who the No. 1 pick will be. The No. 2 pick doesn’t matter – not even for a vice presidential position. Trump’s victory in Iowa is only going to build his momentum,” Gingrich avers.

Trump won by a “historically large margin in a multi-candidate field,” he concludes, “and he’s going to keep winning.”

Authored by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. via Breitbart January 17th 2024