Nikki Haley: We Need to ‘Defund Sanctuary Cities’

Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), a Republican presidential candidate, said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that to help slow illegal immigration as president, she would “defund sanctuary cities.”

Haley said, “What we need to do is go to Congress and say, do your job. They need to do immigration reform. First of all, we need to secure the border stop anyone from coming over and make sure we do that by stopping catch and release, go to catch and deport, defund sanctuary cities, make sure we go back to the remain in Mexico plan, because nobody wants to the remain in Mexico and put 25,000 border patrol and ICE agents and let them do their job.”

She added, “When it comes to legal immigration, Congress needs to get in a room and fix this. We need to go and deal with the fact that we shouldn’t be bringing people into our country based on quotas. What about if we brought people into our country based on merit? Where you looked and said, ‘What do we need in our economy? What companies need workers? What jobs are we not able that to fill.’ If you brought them in based on that, all of a sudden, you’re building our economy, you’re not bringing illegals who are coming in and using our system and taxpayers are paying for. Let’s do it the right way.”

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Authored by Pam Key via Breitbart September 9th 2023