Nine-Time Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Roommate, Shooting Police Officer

nine time deported illegal alien accused of murdering roommate shooting police officer
Dallas PD

An illegal alien, previously deported nine times from the United States, is accused of murdering his roommate in broad daylight before having a shootout with Dallas, Texas, police that resulted in one officer being injured.

Juan Vicente Zavala Lopez, a 45-year-old illegal alien, was arrested and charged with murder, aggravated assault, and four counts of aggravated assault on a peace officer.

According to Dallas police, Lopez allegedly shot and killed his roommate, who was in a pickup truck, in broad daylight, when officers spotted him. That is when two officers, Derek Williams and Christopher Mazin, confronted Lopez and demanded he get out of the car.

Newly released police footage shows Lopez allegedly shooting at officers and officers returning fire before the illegal alien can be seen taking office in what became a police chase.

Eventually, Lopez made a U-turn and came back towards the officers, allegedly shooting at them from his vehicle and hitting Williams in his ballistic vest, which likely saved his life.

Lopez, speeding away, was arrested the following day when a SWAT team showed up at his residence.

Dallas police said Lopez has been previously deported from the U.S. at least nine times and has an extensive criminal history, including felony drug convictions. He also previously spent 18 months in Texas state prison.

Lopez is being held at the Dallas County Jail on a $1 million bail and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has lodged a detainer against him, requesting custody.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Follow him on Twitter here.

Authored by John Binder via Breitbart September 20th 2023