Noem Critical of Haley as Potential VP Pick: ‘A Different Person Depending on Whatever Works for Her Political Agenda’

Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Balance,” Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) voiced her disapproval of former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) as a potential vice-presidential pick for GOP presidential nomination front-runner former President Donald Trump.

“[I]f he picked her, I would tell him I disagreed with him, but then I would support the ticket because he’s still the president, and the president still makes the decisions,” she said. “You know, I’ve had a lot of disagreements with Nikki Haley over the years, and I just don’t know which Nikki Haley is going to show up every day. She’s a different person depending on whatever works for her political agenda.”

“So I just — what I love about President Trump and what I think the American people love about President Trump is that he’s just himself and he just genuine, he’s just a normal human being who tells the truth and gets up every day fighting for people,” Noem continued. “He has no reason to do this job other than the fact that he really, truly does believe in America and he wants to put the people out there that get up every day and go to work, he wants to put them first.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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Authored by Jeff Poor via Breitbart January 2nd 2024