Nolte: Biden Down 12.2 Points Against Trump Compared to 2020

nolte biden down 122 points against trump compared to 2020
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images; Julia Nikhinson/CNP/Bloomberg via Getty Images

On this same day four years ago during the 2020 presidential campaign, His Fraudulency Joe Biden was up 9.9 points over former President Trump in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average poll of national polls.

Today, Biden is down 2.3 points.

That’s a net swing of a 12.2-point loss for Hunter’s dad.

Yes, things are looking very different today compared to November 27, 2019. Of the 13 polls currently in the RCP average, Trump is leading in 11. At no time during the 2020 campaign did Trump ever lead Biden in the RCP poll of national polls. In fact, at no time during the 2020 campaign did Trump come any closer than four points behind Biden in the RCP average poll of national polls.

And this is why the corporate media are becoming hysterical with absurd accusations about a reelected Trump literally imprisoning and executing people. Those poll numbers are why MSNBC contributors like Claire McCaskill are screeching about Trump being “even more dangerous” than Hitler.

Currently, these numbers have the corporate media floundering, which is why Trump is being accused of murder and being worse than Hitler by a national news outlet. You can hear the desperation in their voices and see the gleaming flop sweat.


Don’t underestimate the corporate media’s demonic ability to summon another Russia Collusion Hoax. There is no bottom for the media, and the fact they openly collude with the FBI, CIA, and IRS to destroy Republicans gives them plenty of creatively dishonest avenues to try and trip Trump up. Some of those tripwires have already been strung in the form of nearly a half-dozen bogus criminal cases against Trump.

You also need to keep this in mind…

When the media warn the public that a reelected Trump will execute his political opponents and that he’s more dangerous than Hitler, that is a deliberate assassination dogwhistle. Joe Scarborough, Claire McCaskill, and MSNBC are hoping some “hero” steps up to “save democracy” by murdering Trump.

Keep in mind that when I say the corporate media are deliberately using language to encourage Trump’s assassination, this is by the media’s own standard of the repercussions of language.

Time and again, the same corporate media that present Trump as a unique danger to democracy and a threat to the physical safety of minority groups have also told us that words/flags/symbols/rhetoric = violence. Read here, here, here, here, here, and here.

If the corporate media believe Trump using the word “vermin” will cause violence (and they claim they do), then these same corporate media outlets know that their false claims about Trump executing people, being worse than Hitler, and a unique danger to democracy puts an assassination target on the former president’s back.

In other words, by their own standard, the corporate media are encouraging some unbalanced nut to go down in history as the man who saved democracy from a murderer worse than Hitler.

And as the 2024 campaign marches on, things will only get worse.

John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time (Bombardier Books) is available today. You can read an exclusive excerpt here and a review of the novel here.  

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart November 27th 2023