Nolte: Crooked DA Fani Willis Plans to Have Trump on Trial on Election Day — and into 2025

nolte crooked da fani willis plans to have trump on trial on election day and into 2025
Joshua Lott/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Fulton County, Georgia’s, crooked District Attorney, Fani Willis, isn’t hiding her agenda to rig the 2024 presidential election.

Speaking to the far-left Washington Post this week, Willis made clear that she intends to still have Trump on trial on Election Day 2024.

“I believe in that case there will be a trial, I believe the trial will take many months,” she told the Incredible Shrinking Washington Post’s Global Women’s Summit. “And I don’t expect that we will conclude until the winter or the very early part of 2025.” (You can read my thoughts on anything called a “Global Woman’s Summit” here.)

Willis then added this howler…

“I don’t, when making decisions about cases to bring, consider any election cycle or an election season,” Willis said, apparently with a straight face. “That does not go into the calculus. What goes into the calculus is: This is the law. These are the facts. And the facts show you violated the law. Then charges are brought.”

At the obvious behest of His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s fascist reelection campaign, which includes disgraced Attorney General Merrick Garland, between now and an Election Day that is but one year away, four campaign tripwires have been strung out in the form of four — four! — criminal cases launched by Democrats against Trump based on total B.S. — and that doesn’t include the civil trial based on the ridiculous idea that Trump over-valued his property to the banks (as though banks don’t do their due diligence).

This rigged case in Georgia that seeks to criminalize contesting an election will be the last of the four cases prosecuted, and, as you can see, Willis intends to hang it around Trump’s neck like a burning tire all through the 2024 presidential campaign and the voting.

Meanwhile, in the U.S. House of Representatives, where stupid Republican voters put eunuch Republicans back in charge, no official impeachment proceedings have begun against Hunter Biden’s blatantly crooked father despite a growing pile of financial evidence that points directly to selling access to and favors from then Vice President Biden for millions of foreign dollars.

There is nothing Democrats won’t do to rig an election, including the filing of bogus criminal charges against the leader of the opposition party and then holding him over for trial while the public is voting.

It also needs to be said, not that the corrupt Washington Post would ever challenge her on this issue, that Willis could ask for and almost certainly receive a postponement until after the election — something any decent person who believes in free and fair elections would do.

But this isn’t about justice. This is about the White House, the Democrat Party, and the corporate media seeking to rig an election through the stuff of Banana Republics.

But at least the establishment GOP isn’t doing anything about it. I hate getting knocked over with a feather.

It’s important to keep in mind that Willis doing this, admitting she is doing this, and then making the laughable claim it’s not political is part of the left’s psy-ops propaganda campaign. The idea is to outrage the other side, to catch us off guard with the audacity of their shameless behavior and criminality. My novel has nothing to do with any of this, but you should still buy it.

So far, at least according to the polling, this fascist assault by Democrats on the leader of the opposition is not working. It might even be backfiring. By every measurement, Trump is polling better against Joe Biden than he did in 2020, and Biden only won by a slim margin in three states four years ago.

John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time (Bombardier Books) is available today. You can read an exclusive excerpt here and a review of the novel here.  

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart November 15th 2023