Nolte: Democrat-Run Oakland Crime Spree Hits 13 Marinas

nolte democrat run oakland crime spree hits 13 marinas
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

In today’s edition of You Get What You Vote For, I give you the story of 13 marinas in Democrat-run Oakland, California, dealing with an unprecedented crime wave.

Via SFist:

A recent rash of thefts at the house boats and sailboats at the 13 marinas in Alameda County is overwhelming the small number of maritime law enforcement personnel there, as thieves sometimes commandeer and steal entire boats.

The current Oakland property crime surge is covering new ground, or rather, going past where the ground ends and the waters of the San Francisco Bay begin. The Chronicle reports today on a wave of “pirates” committing brash burglaries on boats docked at these marinas, who often approach on smaller crafts with their bolt cutters, sometimes stealing supplies, sometimes stealing the motors or others parts, and in some cases even commandeering the boats and repainting them to make it look as if they are their own.

“It’s almost the Wild West,” Alameda’s Marina Village Yacht Harbor managing investor Steve Meckfessel told the Chronicle. “It’s almost as if you were on a ship and there are pirates out there, and there’s no government, no one to protect you.”

California Democrats have basically de-criminalized crime, especially in the Oakland-San Francisco-Alameda County area. These poor criminals have likely decided to steal from boats and the boats themselves because that’s all that’s left to steal. All the retail stores have been looted and emptied.

RELATED: Brazen Shoplifting Activity in San Fran Continues…

Lyanne Melendez

Impossibly, this story gets better…

Theft isn’t the only problem. The homeless are illegally setting up house on those docks.

“The thieves aren’t just hitting the boats, but also maritime businesses along the marinas,” reports SFist. “Many of these business owners are forced to confront the encampments and docked stolen boats, where they sometimes find their own stolen items.”

“There have been some recent efforts to sweep the encampments near the marinas,” the report continues. “But those strategies aren’t getting results quickly enough for the boaters, who have a sinking feeling that the problem will only get worse.”


Whose fault is this?

Who voted for these clowns?

You have criminals stealing boats and criminals living on those boats in the marina (without paying a docking fee), and the problem is so bad the media describe it as an “encampment.” Naturally, nothing is being done about it. Only where Democrats run things.

There are at least three brazenly criminal acts going on here, including trespassing, and only this year did the Democrat-run Oakland City Council authorize the cops to seize illegally docked boats. But it still takes time! Why? Democrats.

This is how a sane state operates…

Citizens call the authorities. The police arrive. The police discover the people on the boat 1) do not hold ownership papers, 2) are not paying a dock fee, and 3) are therefore trespassing. The trespassers are arrested. The boat is impounded. Problem solved.

The citizens of California are like cocaine-addicted monkeys pulling that D-lever in the voting booth as their state, homes, and standard of living implode.

No pity.


Go, pirates!

Give these idiots everything they voted for.

Oh, and happy Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Ayy, matey. They vote for the Democrats, and we steals thar boats!


This has been your feel-good story of the day.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here feeling good.

John Nolte’s debut novel Borrowed Time (Bombardier Books – September 26) is available for pre-order. You can read an exclusive excerpt here.

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart September 19th 2023