Nolte: Democrat-Run Washington State Launches Snitch Line for ‘Hate Crimes’

hate crime hotline
Liubomyr Vorona/Getty Images

Democrats run the state of Washington with almost no Republican opposition, and, apparently, there are so many unreported hate crimes that lawmakers have set up a snitch line.

We don’t have anywhere near these problems where I live — you know, in MAGALand — but wherever Democrats run things, you get hate, racism, and bigotry, on top of crime, poverty, drug addiction, and homelessness.

Why else would Democrats in Washington State feel the need to do this:

The bill says the hotline should be staffed during business hours. It says call takers should provide victims with information, refer them to culturally competent, trauma-informed local service providers for additional help and document the calls for annual reports. Identifying information will be kept out of the reports and will be exempt from public disclosure requests.

SB 5427 passed the Senate on Feb. 7 and cleared the House on Wednesday, drawing unanimous support from Democrats and near-unanimous opposition from Republicans. It’s now headed to Gov. Jay Inslee’s desk to be signed into law.

I would love to man that hotline. My only response would be, Man up, you whiny little snitch. Calling the government because someone made fun of you? What are you, a 14-year-old girl? Man alive, I hate white women.  

Democrats are even admitting that where they rule, hate and racism flourish…

“Proponents say a hotline is needed because many hate crimes currently go unreported to — or undocumented by — police[.]”

“Washington police reported 590 hate crimes to the FBI for 2022, 651 for 2021 and 462 for 2020,” the report admits. “In the most recent year, 63% of the state’s hate crimes were related to race, ethnicity or ancestry, while 18% were related to sexual orientation and 10% were related to religion.”

Gee, doesn’t anyone make fun of fat people anymore?

And yes, this is nothing less than a snitch line: “Especially in marginalized communities, people might be afraid to contact police. Even when police are contacted, they might lack evidence to document a hate crime.”

Hello. Is this the Hate Crime Hotline?

Yes, it is.

Someone made fun of my dreadlocks.

Are you white or black?


*dial tone*

Think about how the same people who have perpetrated one race hoax after another will abuse this to hurt people. The fascist police will keep records. The fascist FBI will knock on your door. This is naked totalitarianism, which isn’t possible without encouraging citizens, neighbors, and family members to rat each other out.

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Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart March 29th 2024