Nolte: Desperate Media Cover Up DOJ Official Kristen Clarke’s Potential Perjury

UNITED STATES - OCTOBER 6: Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general, is sworn in during
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Under penalty of perjury in 2021, Kristen Clarke, who leads the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, answered no to the following question asked by a U.S. senator: “Have you ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person?”

Turns out she had been arrested and accused of a violent crime. During a domestic altercation with her then-husband in July 2006, Clarke attacked him with a knife, cutting his finger to the bone.

The Daily Signal reports:

Court records obtained by The Daily Signal show that a criminal case against Clarke was initiated in the District Court of Maryland for Prince George’s County, but on Oct. 17, 2006, the Maryland state attorney entered a request of “nolle prosequi” in the case, which effectively dismissed the charge without trial.

Approximately a year-and-a-half later, Clarke sought an “Order for Expungement of Police and Court Records” in the same case.

The arrest was eventually expunged. Clarke and her then-husband divorced three years later. At the time, Clarke had every reason to want the record expunged. She was in charge of the far-left NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund’s voting and election division.

Expunged or not…

She was “arrested and accused of committing a violent crime.” The fact that the record was expunged does not change that fact. She was asked a specific question by a U.S. senator, an elected official who represents the people, and she lied. That’s perjury, pure and simple.

But now that she’s been busted for perjury, the good dogs in the corporate media are running to her rescue. Or should I say, she ran to them to be rescued—specifically to far-left CNN—because she knows that CNN is the goodest dog of them all.

Here’s how the good dogs at CNNLOL wrote their headline about a high-ranking government official in the Justice Department admitting to perjury: “DOJ civil rights leader says she was a victim of abuse in extraordinary statement.”

Democrats sure got it good, eh?

Here’s how the CNNLOL story opens:

The leader of the Justice Department’s civil rights division, Kristen Clarke, said in an extraordinary personal statement shared with CNN that she was a victim of years-long domestic abuse and chose not to disclose an expunged arrest record from that period during the Senate confirmation process.

Clarke’s now-expunged arrest, which reportedly occurred during a domestic dispute, quickly became a cause célèbre among right-wing media and lawmakers who claim she lied during her 2021 Senate confirmation hearing, with some calling for her resignation.

Have I mentioned how good Democrats got it?

“Nearly 2 decades ago, I was subjected to years-long abuse and domestic violence at the hands of my ex-husband,” Clarke said in her statement to basement-rated CNN.

“This was a terrorizing and traumatizing period that I have sought to put behind me to promote my personal health, healing and well-being,” Clarke added, using all the correct buzzwords. “The physical and emotional scars, the emotional abuse and exploitation, and the lying are things that no woman or mother should ever have to endure.”

Perjurer says what…?

Good heavens, if she lied to the U.S. Senate, why should we believe something as self-serving as this?

Regardless, it doesn’t matter. If she truly was abused and terrorized by her husband, that’s a wretched and ghastly thing, but that doesn’t excuse perjury.

Glenn Thrush of the New York Times, who has his own sleazy history with women and is still allowed to work at the New York Times, is also spinning this perjury like the good dog he is and always will be.

When Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) pointed out Clarke’s perjury, Thrush White Knighted to her rescue:

“Clarke said she was subjected to years of abuse by her ex-husband — and her arrest for slashing his finger was expunged,” Thrush xweeted. “She said she’s still ‘terrorized and traumatized.’ The senator, who initially presented this incident without that context now makes this statement.”

Hey, what’s the difference between Bigfoot and a New York Times “reporter” dedicated to context?

People have seen Bigfoot.

And here’s the thing…

Clarke’s allegations against her ex-husband haven’t even been confirmed. In fact, he has reportedly denied it, stating, “I deny it of course, and think this a sad and pathetic effort to make herself a victim, and is revealing of her character”:

The corporate media do not care. Clarke is a black, female Democrat. She is precious. She will be protected. Period.

Do you honestly believe that a corporate media responsible for all of this…

…won’t lie to you about absolutely everything?

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover on Kindle and Audiobook. 

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart May 2nd 2024