The latest polling from Bloomberg News/Morning Consult shows former President Donald Trump beating His Fraudulency Joe Biden in seven out of seven swing states.
According to the poll, a big factor is Biden opening up our southern border to allow millions of unvetted illegal aliens to invade our country, suck the welfare rolls dry, and cancel out our votes:
Six in 10 swing-state voters say President Joe Biden bears responsibility for a surge in [illegtal immigrants] at the US-Mexico border, a downbeat signal for his reelection prospects as Republicans largely avoid blame on the issue, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll found.
Biden again trails Donald Trump in each of the seven swing states in the monthly survey and lags Trump 42% to 48% across all those states in a head-to-head match-up. The former president’s lead grows to 9 percentage points when third-party candidates are included.
Here’s the rundown head-to-head:
- Arizona: Trump 47 / Biden 44 — Trump +3
- Georgia: Trump 49 / Biden 41 — Trump +8
- Michigan: Trump 47 / Biden 42 — Trump +5
- Nevada: Trump 48 / Biden 40 — Trump +8
- North Carolina: Trump 49 / Biden 39 — Trump +10
- Pennsylvania: Trump 48 / Biden 45 — Trump +3
- Wisconsin: Trump 49 / Biden 44 — Trump +5
Here’s the rundown with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the ticket. The other independent and third-party candidates (Cornel West, Jill Stein) only earn a point or two:
- Arizona: Trump 43 / Biden 35 / Kennedy 10 — Trump +8
- Georgia: Trump 44 / Biden 37 / Kennedy 8 — Trump +7
- Michigan: Trump 43 / Biden 37 / Kennedy 8 — Trump +6
- Nevada: Trump 43 / Biden 31 / Kennedy 12 — Trump +12
- North Carolina: Trump 45 / Biden 32 / Kennedy 9 — Trump +13
- Pennsylvania: Trump 43 / Biden 40 / Kennedy 7 — Trump +3
- Wisconsin: Trump 43 / Biden 35 / Kennedy 10 — Trump +8
When Kennedy is added, Biden dips below 40 in six of the seven swing states. He’s at 31 in Nevada (a reliably blue state) and 32 in North Carolina, which was once a swing state.
This poll of 4,956 registered voters was taken between January 16-24 in those seven states and had a margin of error of just one point. Here are some of the more interesting internal numbers…
Only 29 percent of those polled said the national economy is headed in the right direction, while 71 percent said we’re on the wrong track. This is bad news for Biden because 82 percent said the economy will be “very important” when choosing who to vote for in November.
Joe Biden’s favorability rating is just 38 percent in these seven crucial swing states, while 58 percent view him unfavorably.
Dingbat Kamala Harris earns a 37 percent favorable rating and 56 percent unfavorable.
Donald Trump’s favorable rating is 46 percent, while his unfavorable rating is 52 percent.
On favorability, Biden is 20 points underwater. Trump is down only six points.
Also of note is that in 2020, Trump lost (allegedly) all of those states except North Carolina.
This swing state poll aligns perfectly with the national polling, which shows Trump with a clear lead over Biden of four points – 48 to 44 percent.
Overall, this poll explains why Biden is attempting to pretend he has no power over the Southern border with this rigged border security bill that eunuchs like Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Cuck) support. Even though he already has all the power necessary to seal the border, Biden doesn’t want to because the Great Replacement Theory is not a theory.
The good news, at least in this poll, is that the voters are not fooled. What’s more, they appear to remember how good things were with Trump in office — you know, when gas cost $2.50 a gallon, a dozen eggs cost .99 cents, the border was pretty secure, and the world was at peace.
The bottom of every grocery bill receipt should read: Hey, at least the mean tweets have stopped.

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