Nolte: Far-Left NPR Claims Illegal Aliens Voting Is ‘Right-Wing Myth’

AP Photo/David Goldman

The far-left welfare queens at NPR are now claiming “conservatives” are spreading a “myth” about illegal aliens voting, even though Democrats are openly pushing to allow illegal aliens to vote.

“Conservatives are warning about noncitizens voting. It’s a myth with a long history,” reads the NPR headline.

Oddly enough, NPR fails to notify its readers of this NPR story published less than 15 months ago: “New York City will allow 800,000 noncitizens to vote in local elections.” That law was blocked (thankfully) in June. Nevertheless, “11 towns in Maryland and two in Vermont … allow illegals “the right to vote in local races[.]”

Granted, today’s NPR story is focused on federal elections, specifically the presidential race, but still plays it cute.

“The false notion that [illegal] immigrants are affecting federal elections has been floating around for over 100 years,” NPR writes, “but this year, due in part to an increase in [illegals] at the southern U.S. border, the idea could have new potency.”

“I absolutely believe this is intentional, and one of the reasons the Biden administration is allowing all these illegals to flood the country,” [former Trump adviser Cleta] Mitchell said on a conservative radio show in Illinois last month. “They’re taking them into counties across the country, so that they can get those people registered, they can vote them.”

Trump has made the same claims on the campaign trail. And even Elon Musk, the Tesla founder and owner of X, has used his social media platform to push the baseless idea to millions of people.

“[Democrats] are importing voters,” Musk wrote in a post about [illegal] immigrants on March 5 that X claims has been seen more than 23 million times.

Does anyone doubt that what we have here is another case of yesterday’s conspiracy theory becoming tomorrow’s news?

First off, there is no doubt that this influx of illegals is about preserving electoral votes in the Blue States that are losing population. The U.S. Census counts illegals. American citizens are abandoning Blue States like New York and California and illegals are making up that loss in population. This allows those states to keep their electoral votes and congressional seats.

What’s more, the children of those illegal aliens automatically become American citizens and, by extension, legal voters.

And so, all of that is legally rigged in favor of Democrats.

Then you add in the following…

  • Democrats fight tooth and nail against voter ID.
  • Democrats fight tooth and nail against cleaning up old voter rolls.


It might be illegal for illegals to vote in federal elections, but if you don’t require voter ID and you don’t clean up the names of the dead or those who have moved out of state… Do you see what I’m getting at here?

Oh, and then you mail everyone in your state an absentee ballot, and don’t worry too much about signature verification… Do you see what I’m getting at here?

Come on, we’re not stupid, NPR… We all know what’s going on.

Here’s my favorite part of the NPR report…

“The right’s concerns about [illegal aliens] voting have persisted despite there being no recent evidence that ineligible people are voting at anything other than microscopic numbers in American elections.”


If there’s no voter ID and no one is removing the dead, how are we supposed to know?

We are not supposed to know.

That’s the whole point.

If everyone receives an absentee ballot and there’s no signature verification, how are we supposed to know?

We’re not supposed to know.

That’s the whole point.

But don’t worry, America. The same corporate media responsible for this…

…are assuring us no one is cheating at the ballot box — I mean, except Putin. Putin is cheating for Trump. That the media are 100 percent sure of.

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Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart March 13th 2024