Nolte: Ivana Trump Denied Rape. Tara Reade, Ashley Biden Stand by Biden Allegations

President Joe Biden kisses a supporter on her cheek after he spoke on the PACT Act, Tuesda
AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty

Even though Donald Trump’s ex-wife, the late Ivana Trump, repeatedly denied that the former president ever raped her, we’re still getting a multimillion-dollar, pro-Joe Biden super PAC ad-disguised-as-a-movie that shows Donald Trump raping Ivana Trump. And, naturally, the film’s director is actively looking to meddle in the 2024 presidential election by having the movie released in the heat of the campaign during the second debate in September.

Well, this strikes me as a good time for a clearing of the throat and a reminder of the credible allegation against His Fraudulency Joe Biden — allegations that have not been retracted or denied by Biden’s alleged victims.

Let’s start with Biden’s own daughter, Ashley Biden, who wrote in her now-verified-as-authentic diary that her creepy dad showered with her when she was a “young girl.” In the understatement of all understatements, she wrote in her diary that these showers were “probably not appropriate.”

Unlike Ivana Trump, Ashley Biden has not retracted her allegation.

Unlike Donald Trump, Joe Biden has not denied this allegation.

Then there’s lifelong Democrat Tara Reade, who happens to be the eighth woman to accuse Hunter’s Dad of inappropriate sexual conduct. With a ton of evidence to back her up — including four witnesses and a contemporaneous phone call to Larry King Live — Reade claims Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. But…

Instead of having a multimillion-dollar movie produced about her trauma and exhibited at Cannes, Reade was dismissed by the corporate media and Hollywood and eventually felt it necessary to flee the country.

Again, unlike Ivana Trump, Tara Reade stands firmly by her allegation.

The allegations against Joe Biden not only stand, but they are also credible and believable. What kind of dad showers with his daughter? There’s nothing normal about that. And look at how screwed up Ashley Biden and Hunter Biden are. Now look at how normal Trump’s kids are. It’s pretty easy to see where all the household dysfunction reigned, and a dad showering with his daughter (ick!) is a pretty good way to mess up a kid for life.

It’s important that Trump supporters not allow the corporate media’s cynical and dishonest act of disappearing these troubling stories about Biden make us forget what a pig Joe Biden is, or that eight women have accused him of sexual misconduct, or that he is credibly accused of an assault, and that he has not denied showering with his own daughter.

All the left can do to stop Trump is to invent rapes and Russia Collusion Hoaxes and criminal charges. That’s all they’ve got. Trump has been vetted unlike any other public figure and still they got nothing. But when it comes to Biden, the organized left (media, Hollywood, academia) is forced to lie and bury the sick and troubling truth.

Tara Reade doesn’t matter to the left and the #MeToo crowd.

But neither does Ivana Trump. She denied and retracted the allegation, and still, Hollywood and the corporate media seek to paint her as a victim of something that didn’t happen.

These are vile, vile people.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart May 21st 2024