Nolte — Polls: Hitler Youth Campus Protests Backfired by Double Digits

Tension comes between students of City College of New York and police as the students camp
Fatih Aktas/Anadolu via Getty Images

Polling from Rasmussen Reports shows that the antisemitic protests at left-wing universities have backfired with the public by double digits.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that just 15% of Likely U.S. Voters say the college protests made them more sympathetic to the Palestinians, while 42% say the protests have made them less sympathetic,” writes the pollster. “Thirty-seven percent (37%) say the protests have not made much difference in how they view the Palestinians.”

All across left-wing colleges since April, pro-Hamas Jew-haters staged violent protests in support of genocidal Islamic terrorists and against Israel, which is guilty of nothing more than wanting to be left alone.

These spoiled, entitled, hate-filled bigots staged sit-ins, vandalized buildings, reportedly held working people against their will, and, in the spirit of late Alabama Gov. George Wallace (also a Democrat), blocked Jews from entering public spaces.

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Anyone with any sense of history looks at these campus protests and is reminded of the segregated South when Democrats set up a violent and oppressive Jim Crow system. Or is reminded of the pogroms throughout Russia and Europe. Or is reminded of Kristallnacht, when Hitler’s Brownshirts felt emboldened enough to come right out and launch systematic attacks on Germany’s Jews.

Thankfully, despite the corporate media’s pro-Hamas spin, including Vichy Jake Tapper’s revealing Very Fine People on Both Sides moment, the public is disgusted with these protests.

Rasmussen asked 1,108 likely voters the following: “Have the college protests made you more sympathetic or less sympathetic to the Palestinians?” Only 15 percent said “more sympathetic,” while 42 percent said “less sympathetic.”

That’s a 27-point loss for America’s Hitler Youth.

When asked, “Do you sympathize more with the Israelis or Palestinians” despite all this corporate propaganda, only 19 percent chose the Palestinians, while a majority of 53 percent sided with the Israelis.

The internals show that the protests only earned net-positive reviews from black voters, 35 percent of whom said that the demonstrations made them more sympathetic toward the Palestinians, while only 24 percent said they became less sympathetic. On the question of sympathizing more with the Israelis or Palestinians, it was pretty close. Twenty-seven percent of black voters chose Israel, while 33 percent chose the Palestinians.

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Keep in mind that, like Kwanzaa, there is no such thing as “Palestinians.”

These numbers should be 100 percent to zero in favor of Israel. There is no gray area here. The barbaric savages in Hamas butchered, raped, tortured, and mutilated more than a thousand innocent Israeli citizens (including children) and took hundreds more hostage. Hamas is openly dedicated to the annihilation of Israel and the extermination of the Jewish race. Hamas hides behind and seeks casualties among its own civilians. Therefore, Hamas must be exterminated, and while doing more than any country in history to avoid civilian casualties, Israel is 100 percent correct in looking to achieve exactly that.

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John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart May 8th 2024