Nolte: Property Value Collapse Shows Democrat Destruction of Baltimore Is Nearly Complete

nolte property value collapse shows democrat destruction of baltimore is nearly complete

It’s a short, to-the-point story from a local Fox affiliate, but the news is jaw-dropping. The devastation Democrats have brought to the once-mighty city of Baltimore is about complete.

A mere eight years ago, in 2015, a 30-story downtown Baltimore building sold for $66 million.

Last month the same building sold for $24 million.

Another downtown building, which is currently the home of T. Rowe Price, was once assessed at $171.4 million. Today it assessment sits at about half that amount: $93.7 million.

nolte property value collapse shows democrat destruction of baltimore is nearly complete

File/A Washington, DC, bound Amtrak train stops at the Pennsylvania Station January 13, 2018 in Baltimore, Maryland,  often named one of the country’s most dangerous big cities. (Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images)

“The property values are declining rather rapidly,” Economist Anirban Basu told Fox Baltimore. He adds that companies desperate for “staff and safety” are fleeing downtown Baltimore. Well, duh. Anyone who prioritizes “staff and safety” has no choice but to get out of Democrat-run cities.

Basu adds: “The only way for Baltimore to get out of this quandary is to grow its tax base, to add taxpayers, not subtract from that.”

No, the only way for Baltimore to get out of this quandary is to vote for a change of leadership, which will never happen.

So what’s happened to Baltimore since 2015?

What else? The Democrats who run Baltimore allowed rioters to riot and now, like most riot-ravaged cities (Detroit, Watts, Oakland), the city is unlikely to ever recover.

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Maryland OAG Independent Investigations Division / YouTube

You think I’m engaging in hyperbole when I write that Baltimore Democrats allowing rioters to riot? Baltimore’s then-Democrat mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, admitted in a 2015 press conference that “we gave those who wished to destroy space to do that.”

What were these riots about?

What else? Another race hoax ginned up by the media. Some punk named Freddie Gray died in police custody. Six police officers—three black, three white—were charged with the murder by a corrupt State Attorney named Marilyn Mosby. All six were acquitted. Then Obama’s Justice Department ran in to destroy these officers but couldn’t find a single charge to bring against them.

Naturally, CNN ran in to hose another predominantly black city down with racial gasoline.

At the time, I wrote a piece titled: “Baltimore Is a Democrat Problem, Not America’s Problem.”

Here’s an excerpt:

Democrats run the city of Baltimore, the unions, the schools, and, yes, the police force. Since 1969, there have been only two Republican governors of the State of Maryland.

Elijah Cummings has represented Baltimore in the U.S. Congress for more than thirty years. As I write this, despite his objectively disastrous reign, the Democrat-infested mainstream media is treating the Democrat like a local folk hero, not the obvious and glaring failure he really is.

Every single member of the Baltimore city council is a Democrat.

And this is true of every failed American city. All these “racist “ police departments? They are all run by Democrats.

These cities prove beyond any doubt that the Democrat party’s ideas are only a recipe for failure, despair, chaos, crime, death, and blight. For it is in these cities where Democrata wield the power to enact their ideas without opposition.

One of their ideas, which we saw again during the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020, is to give “those who wished to destroy space to do that.” The result of that is permanent devastation. You see…

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Baltimore Police Department / BODY CAMS+ /TMX

…decent people won’t remain in a city led by politicians who put up with rioting. People are remarkably resilient, but what they cannot put up with is lawlessness. People are only resilient when they can adapt, but no one can adapt to lawlessness because lawlessness breeds chaos. How do you adapt to chaos? You can’t. So decent people flee and the urban death spiral begins. Good people leave. Bad people move in. Things get worse. Crime spikes. Property values collapse. More good people leave. More bad people move in.

Don’t pity Baltimore.

Baltimore, like all American cities, has the power to choose its own leaders. Decade after decade, the people of Baltimore, in overwhelming numbers, have voted for Democrats and their disastrous policies.

The people of Baltimore are getting what they vote for.

We should be happy for them.

People should get what they want.

Especially Democrats.

I live here. What the hell do I care what happens to Baltimore?

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

Authored by John Nolte via Breitbart July 27th 2023