
Nolte: Tim Walz Lied About Being in Hong Kong During Tiananmen Square Massacre

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz stands at a press conference after two police officers and a first
Abbie Parr/AP

During a 2014 congressional hearing, then-Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN) bragged about being in Hong Kong at the time of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre.

There’s just one problem…

He wasn’t.

He was in Nebraska at the time.

Here he is boasting (once again) about something that is not true:

As a young man I was just going to teach high school in Foshan in Guangdong, and was in Hong Kong in May of ’89. And as the events were unfolding, several of us went in. And I still remember the train station in Hong Kong. There was a large number of, especially European, I think, very angry that we would still go after what had happened, but it was my belief at that time that the diplomacy was going to happen on many levels. Certainly people to people, and the opportunity to be in a Chinese high school at that critical time seemed to me to be really important. And it was a very interesting summer to say the least.


“Contemporaneous news reports show Walz touring a National Guard storeroom in Alliance, Nebraska, in May 1989,” reports the Washington Free Beacon. “They indicate that Walz did not leave the United States until August of that year, at least two months after the student protests ended with the Tiananmen Square massacre.”

As the Beacon points out, far-left NPR discovered the lie, but naturally, the taxpayer-funded welfare queens buried it under some 30 paragraphs:

Walz also once described being in Hong Kong in May 1989, during the student uprising that culminated in the Tiananmen Square massacre — an assertion that is belied by newspaper accounts at the time. …The campaign was unable to produce documentation to back up Walz’s statement that he was there during the uprising.

The Beacon also points out that leftist outlets like the New York Times have reprinted Walz’s self-serving Tiananmen Square lie without bothering to fact-check it. That is called taking dictation, as opposed to performing journalism.

Listen, being in Hong Kong during something as historic as Tiananmen Square is not something you forget or misremember. We all know where we were on September 11, 2001. Hell, I remember where I was when I first saw that protester attempt to block the tank.

The only thing that would make Walz’s latest lie even more perfect would be if he were to claim he worked at a Hong Kong McDonald’s during the massacre.

What doesn’t Kamala Harris’s vice presidential choice lie about?

He claimed he carried weapons in war although he never saw combat as a member of the Minnesota National Guard. Walz lied about his 1995 DUI arrest—something about a misunderstanding due to Walz’s deafness (probably from all that combat he never participated in) and that he was not drinking. But he was drinking. A blood test showed his alcohol level at .128. For years, Walz has repeatedly claimed he retired from the National Guard at a higher rank than he actually did.

This guy is pathological.

Tonight’s vice presidential debate should be interesting. JD Vance is dynamite in these settings and has a ton of ammo to hit this serial-lying clown with.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook

via October 1st 2024