'Nostradamus' Prof Blames Elon Musk "Director Of Misinformation" For Huge Democrat Loss

Allan Lichtman, the so-called 'Nostradamus of polls' history professor who correctly predicted 9 of the last 11 presidential elections, offers us an “election autopsy”

Here he was back in September:

And here he is now:

“The keys depend upon a rational, pragmatic electorate, deciding based on governance, whether the incumbent party should get four more years. And we’ve seen explosion of some trends that have existed before but not to this extent. Elon Musk, I don’t know how many billions he has, has been the director of misinformation.

This is difficult, but I will be very polite:

Allan Lichtman, @AllanLichtman, is a first class politically arrogant moron.

He wants to decide who you vote for and why, based on “governance” that is important to him.

More Amusing Allan Lichtman Clips

This video clip by @EricLDaugh regarding Lichtman’s Election Night Commentary is funny.

My favorite line. “I’m not giving any interviews tomorrow.”

Here’s a funny one “Nate Silver’s compilation of polls is so unreliable that he now says that who will win the presidency is down to luck.

And here’s a Comment for the Ages “Mark my words… The Keys 🔑 will be right again!”

Anyone care to mark those words?

nostradamus prof blames elon musk director of misinformation for huge democrat loss

Lichtman’s Bio: “Distinguished Professor of History: American University. Author of 13 books.”

Misinformation Campaign

  • Democrats used lawfare to turn a misdemeanor into a felony and biased judge instructed the jury the jury did not even have to know what the precise crime Trump was guilty of. That conviction will be thrown out. The Judge should be disbarred.

  • MSNBC, CNN, ABC, the View, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, the Guardian, all repeated the claim Trump is a felon.

  • The same group plus Biden, Harris, and fools like Lichtman, repeated the claim Trump is a fascist. Some compared Trump to Hitler.

  • The same mainstream media covered up for Biden’s obviously deteriorating mental state, as did Harris.

  • Mainstream media repeatedly engaged in Russia conspiracy theories, proven wrong, and never apologized.

  • Mainstream media covered up for Hillary, Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden but hyped up every charge against Trump.

  • Mainstream media was dead wrong on Covid and never apologized.

  • Elite morons refuse to accept the idea that the vast majority of the nation does not want biological men competing in women’s sports. All the networks side with the elite morons.

Directors of Misinformation

The directors of misinformation are MSNBC, CNN, ABC, the View, CBS, Biden, Harris, the Washington Post, and alleged gurus like Lichtman.

Democrats sought to silence everyone who even slightly disagreed with any of the above.

Additionally, mainstream has hyped up every weather-related event as “climate change”. Half the nation is still brainwashed.

But assume I am wrong. So what? It doesn’t matter because the nation is more concerned about putting food on the table now than another 1 degree rise in temperature 50 years from now.

Note that Lichtman’s wife’s organization is the Vote Climate U.S. PAC. Can we please have an accounting of where every penny went.

And listen to this Mission Statement: “Vote Climate U.S. PAC works to elect candidates to eliminate all human-made, greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Only ZERO greenhouse gas emissions will lead to a slow reduction in the atmosphere over the next century.”

Anyone who donated is a total fool begging for more inflation.

Elite morons, living in their ivory towers, are more concerned about what may happen 50 years from now than the real pain the nation is feeling now.

Real or imagined, this is why it is impossible for government to mandate climate fixes faster than technology can deliver. People will revolt.

There have been Green energy revolts in France, Belgium, three German states, Austria, and now we have a collapse of the German government partially due to Green energy.

For discussion, please see Now Germany Has a Green Electricity Outage With Huge Consequences

Conclusion: Lichtman, Al Gore, Biden, Bill Gates, Harris, etc., are oblivious to the realities of climate change (both politically and the science itself).

Who Created Inflation?

There is plenty of blame to spread around, including the Fed, a global response to Covid, supply chain disruptions, and a war in Ukraine.

But the key #1 thing (hello Lichtman) is the totally unwarranted third round of fiscal stimulus by Biden.

In addition to stimulus, Biden’s free money student debt cancellations, eviction moratoriums, and the preposterous Inflation Reduction Act all added to inflation.

Cream Puff Interviews

It’s a real hoot for Lichtman to blame the media. Look at all the cream puff interviews of Harris on every mainstream platform.

60-Minutes edited a clip to make Harris look better.

And despite the obvious cream-puffiness of it all, Harris sounded like a babbling word saladitarian in every interview.

When asked by The View what she would have done differently than Biden, Harris replied with her only believable comment “There is not a thing that comes to mind.” 

That truthful statement immediately confirmed the entire rest of her campaign was a big misinformation lie.

She tried to play both sides of fracking, both sides of Israel, and both sides of EVs, and literally both sides of everything (except for abortion lies) in ambiguous terms.

Regarding abortion, Harris is a proven liar, claiming Trump said things that he didn’t.

Harvard Professor Blames Media for Harris Loss

On November 8, I commented Harvard Professor Says People Are Better Off Than They Think, Blames Media for Harris Loss

Jason Furman, a Harvard professor and Chair of Obama’s CEA lectures people on how well off they are.

It’s the Media! [says Furman blaming one-sided media reports of inflation]

[I satirically replied] In academic wonderland, if we do not tell people they are losing money to inflation, then they wouldn’t know.

And then they would have voted for Harris. And that’s why she lost.

For more of my thoughts, please see Why Trump Won the Election in One Clear Picture

There is massive Democrat soul searching today. Hardly anyone will get it right. This is despite huge evidence all year long.

Lichtman, like Furman bot got it wrong. They both live in academic wonderland.

But Lichtman, goes a step further than Furman. Lichtman wants to tell you how to vote and silence everyone who disagrees.

There’s your real threat to democracy!

Glass Ceiling Breaks, Injuring Kamala Harris

Finally, please see my satirical explanation of what happened: Glass Ceiling Breaks, Injuring Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris and some high-ranking supporters graciously agreed to a Mish interview following reports the glass ceiling shattered over her head.

I guarantee you my satirical comments are far more accurate than anything either Lichtman or Furman said.

Meanwhile, and as expected, the meltdown and blame game by Democrats is the most from those who are the biggest threats.

Mr. Lichtman, care to debate what happened, why, and who called The Keys 🔑 right, in advance. Let’s go. How about it? Debate on?

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com November 11th 2024