During a portion of an interview with NBC News Correspondent Stephanie Gosk that was aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of “NBC Nightly News,” NYPD Transit Chief Michael Kemper said that the police arrest people who “have 50-plus arrests, 100-plus arrests” “all the time” and in a different interview with Fox 5, Mayor Eric Adams (D) stated that the city has a “recidivism crisis” where a small amount of people who have assaulted transit workers or shoplifted have huge committed large numbers of crimes, with the criminals who assault transit workers averaging nearly 30 crimes per person and the shoplifters committing around 14 crimes per person.
During the NBC segment, Gosk stated, “Michael Kemper is the NYPD Transit Chief. The big problem, he says, is repeat offenders.”
She then played a clip of Kemper saying, “We arrest people all the time that have 50-plus arrests, 100-plus arrests.”
In another interview that took place on Fox 5 New York’s “Good Day New York,” Adams stated that “38 people committed assaults on transit workers. Out of those 38 people, they committed 1,126 crimes in our city, recidivism crisis. And that’s the same with when you look at shoplifters, 542 people committed over 7,600 crimes in our city.”
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