NYT’s Goldberg: ‘Rush’ to Blame Israel for Hospital Can’t Be Fixed by Correction

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg acknowledged that the “rush” to blame Israel for the blast at a hospital in Gaza “has had really devastating consequences that can’t be rolled back by a correction” due to how the flow of information works.

Goldberg stated, “I should say, it’s not always impossible to know, but it is often impossible to know…immediately. And what we have right now is we have drastically sped up the cycle, we have kind of both malicious propaganda, trollish propaganda, misinformation, mistakes. And I think what we saw with this hospital bombing, which many, many people, myself included, initially assumed, as the word [was] coming from the ground, that this was the result of an Israeli air strike. And I think it’s important to note that, in the past, when Israel has accidentally killed civilians, it has blamed it on an errant Islamic Jihad missile and it’s turned out to be — in a case just last year — an Israeli airstrike. So, it’s understandable why people believed that. But the rush to judgment in this case has had really devastating consequences that can’t be rolled back by a correction, because that’s not how information — how the flow of information works anymore.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart October 23rd 2023