Oklahoma Governor Signs Women’s Bill of Rights to Protect Girls from ‘out-of-Control Gender Ideology’

oklahoma governor signs womens bill of rights to protect girls from out of control gender ideology
Erik McGregor/LightRocket via Getty Images

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) signed a “Women’s Bill of Rights” into law on Tuesday, an executive order that defines sex-based words like “female,” “woman,” and “mother” and protects women-only spaces.

“We’re taking a stand against this out-of-control gender ideology that is eroding the very foundation of our society,” Stitt said during the bill signing, flanked by former NCAA swimming champion Riley Gaines and Independent Women’s Voice (IWV).

IWV developed the model legislation that inspired the Women’s Bill of Rights Executive Order. Oklahoma is the third state to implement the Women’s Bill of Rights, defining “sex” across state code and law to mean biological sex at birth. Kansas and Tennessee have adopted similar legislation inspired by IWV’s model. 

“Today, Governor Stitt is telling my young daughter and the millions of other Oklahoma women and girls that he has their back – that they no longer have to fear for their safety in private female-only spaces,” said Somerlyn Cothran, a certified Oklahoma woman business owner and senior vice president of investor relations at Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Voice.

“In Oklahoma, we protect women. Today, the definition of what a woman is – is solidified for women-owned businesses like mine and for women entrepreneurs throughout the state,” Cothran continued. “Without the Governor’s executive order today, that distinction would soon cease to mean anything.” 

Gaines — who notably swam against Lia Thomas, a man who identifies as a woman — released a statement applauding Stitt for “taking decisive action” to protect women and girls. 

“Biological differences must be respected in the law to ensure female-only spaces have a future. It is sad that such basic truths must be spelled out to ensure equal protection, but I applaud Governor Stitt for taking decisive action today,” Gaines said.

“Establishing common language by way of the Women’s Bill of Rights is a way of saying enough is enough: Oklahoman women deserve equal opportunity, privacy, and safety, and this order will help deliver it,” she concluded.

RELATED: Exclusive — Riley Gaines: The Left Claims to Champion Women and Feminism, but Now They Can’t Even Define What a Woman Is

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

Katherine Hamilton is a political reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow her on Twitter @thekat_hamilton.

Authored by Katherine Hamilton via Breitbart August 2nd 2023