
Over 200 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Trump for President: ‘Our National Security and Personal Safety Are at Stake’

L-R) incoming Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army General Mark Milley, US Vice Pres

Over 200 retired military generals and admirals endorsed former President Donald Trump in an open letter released on Monday, saying that he has demonstrated the leadership ability needed to provide for the safety and security of the United States.

The group who organized the letter, Flag Officers 4 America, said in a statement: “Donald Trump has a proven track record of success providing the most fundamental responsibilities required of a U.S. President: protecting national security, domestic safety, and the U.S. Constitution.”

Meanwhile, they said, “The current administration, led by the President and Vice President, has allowed our nation to become unsecure, our citizens unsafe, and our country divided due to the cultural war being waged across America in the form of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).” They added:

This divisive domestic strife is dividing our Country, allowing our foreign adversaries to take advantage of the political/social disorder in America. A recent bipartisan congressional report ‘Commission on the National Defense Strategy’ said: ‘The United States confronts the most serious and the most challenging threats since the end of World War II. The United States could in short order be drawn into a war across multiple theaters with peer and near-peer adversaries, and it could lose.’

“We urge our fellow Americans to join us in supporting the election of Donald J. Trump for president. Our future is at stake,” they said.

The letter comes amid several domestic and international crises that the Biden-Harris administration has been struggling to address.

Over the weekend, a hurricane devastated cities across the southeast, killing more than 150 people, with hundreds still missing. President Joe Biden was at his beach home in Rehoboth Beach during the hurricane, returning to Washington, D.C., on Sunday, after the hurricane had passed. Vice President Kamala Harris campaigned in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas, also only returning to D.C. after the hurricane had died down. Some affected residents reported receiving no help from the government, and video emerged online of citizen pilots flying their own private small planes to ferry aid to them.

Trump visited Georgia on Monday, brining oil, water and other supplies, and meeting with affected residents. He said he wanted to visit North Carolina, too, but did not want to cause a distraction during relief efforts. He started a GoFundMe that has raised more than $3.2 million dollars as of Tuesday. A strike by port workers also threatens to disrupt shipments of consumer goods and spike inflation.

On Tuesday, the world appeared on the precipice of a new major war in the Middle East, with Iran launching hundreds of missiles at Israel and Israel vowing revenge. The strikes follow nearly a year of war between Israel and Hamas, after Hamas launched a terrorist attack against Israel, killing some 1,200 and kidnapping about 200, including Americans. During this time, Iranian-backed Houthi fighters have launched hundreds of missiles and drones at U.S. and international ships in the Red Sea.

The Biden-Harris administration has unsuccessfully tried to obtain a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war and prevent it from spreading by sending thousands of U.S. troops to the region, including to Gaza to build a floating pier that cost $230 million in taxpayer funds and worked for less than two weeks.

The over 200 flag officers wrote in their letter that Trump is a “proven leader who will secure our border, repulse our adversaries, revitalize our economy and keep America safe and strong.”

They listed Biden-Harris policies that they argue have placed the country into a “perilous situation,” writing:

• Open borders: The influx of countless millions of unvetted illegals from 160 countries, including ~100,000 Chinese, most of military age, plus thousands of criminals and terrorists, place America at great risk. Future terrorist attacks of some size and fashion on U.S. soil are a near certainty. Border security is national security.

• The Economy and Inflation: Inflation caused by the Administration’s policies, affect national defense because it decreases the money available to properly equip, train, arm and size our military. Today, just the annual interest on our debt exceeds the entire defense budget. That is not sustainable. Every dollar spent paying interest on the national debt is a dollar wasted and not available for defense of our country

• Physical and mental condition of the CINC: A May 2021 letter signed by over 200 retired flag officers said: “The mental and physical condition of the Commander-In-Chief cannot be ignored. He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions involving life and limb anywhere, day or night.” For the past 3.5 years, the CINC’s/President’s obvious impairments have been deliberately concealed and denied by the Vice President and others, placing politics above national security.

The letter stands in stark contrast to one signed by more than 700 members of the deep state, including high-, mid-, and low-ranking former officials endorsing Harris. The letter spent very little space explaining why she was good for national security, and more space arguing why they believed Trump was a threat. Some of the signatories included the same ones who had signed the letter falsely asserting that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian disinformation operation, which led to the suppression of media coverage of it right before the 2020 election.

The retired flag officers endorsing Trump called this election arguably the “most important…since our Nation was founded.”

“We are at a historic crossroad where we must either choose to stand for our Constitution and its underlying traditional values which have made America great, or we continue down the path the current administration’s top leadership is taking into the deadly abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural Marxism,” they said.

“We must ask: ‘Is our national security stronger or weaker today than four years ago?’ The answer is clear. We urge our fellow Americans to join us in supporting the election of Donald J. Trump for president. Our future is at stake.”


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via October 1st 2024