Pelosi Claims Democrats "Did Not Lose"

Nancy Pelosi is sticking to her guns, asserting that while Democrats didn’t lose (who’s going to tell her?) they would have lost a lot more if Joe Biden hadn’t been coup’d.

pelosi claims democrats did not lose

In an MSNBC interview, Pelosi didn’t so much throw Biden under a bus, as launch him under a Mack truck.

“Well all I know is that we won a seat in the House. We did not lose any seats. People were like ‘oh the Democrats lost,’ no, we did not,” Pelosi blathered.

Talk about being in denial.

“I think it would’ve been quite different with President Biden at the top of the ticket,” Pelosi brutally added.


Pelosi confirmed to anchor Andrea Mitchell that she has not spoken to Biden since the coup that she initiated.

“Jill Biden has spoken out saying she was disappointed in you. Is there any way to patch that up, have you spoken to [Biden]?” Mitchell asked.

“No, I haven’t,” Pelosi responded, adding before bizarrely pivoting to blather about how she’s “on a mission for the children.”

“So what is it that we’re doing for the children?” Pelosi stated, adding “I think it would’ve been important for the children to not have Donald Trump be President of the United States, and I would take every step necessary to make sure that didn’t happen. But it did, and now we have to deal with it.”


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Authored by Steve Watson via February 7th 2025