Polis: People Feel ‘Pain Point’ of Costs Outpacing Wages

On Wednesday’s edition of NBC’s “MTP Now,” Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) stated that the stock market has done well and unemployment is low, so it’s not as though people feel that they don’t have jobs, but they feel “that costs have gone up faster than wages. And so, people see that in their groceries, they see that in their gas,” and “There’s a lot that President Biden has done and will do to help reduce costs for everyday families.”

Host Ryan Nobles asked, “What are your constituents telling you about the economy, about inflation, about these everyday, kitchen table issues that they’re struggling with? Is there a sense that things are getting better or is there still a lot of anxiety?”

Polis responded, “Well, the word economy’s a strange one, right? Because, sure, unemployment’s low, stock market’s up, but what do people feel? It’s not that they don’t have jobs, it’s that costs have gone up faster than wages. And so, people see that in their groceries, they see that in their gas, and they really want leaders at all levels, whether it’s local, state, or federal to really speak to that pain point and provide real solutions. There’s a lot that President Biden has done and will do to help reduce costs for everyday families. And that’s a really big focus of ours in Colorado.”

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Authored by Ian Hanchett via Breitbart June 26th 2024